Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Best Vegetarian Salad Ever!

As part of my plan to go vegetarian I have made a new food schedule for myself where I only eat meat every other day. So on my non-meat days I've been experimenting with vegetarian recipes.
This portabella mushroom salad that I make with a light homemade dressing is so freaking delicious I could eat it every single night! The only pain is pealing the fresh garlic cloves; it take a long time to peal a whole clove. I know that seems like a lot of garlic but when you saute it whole or in halves the garlic taste becomes really light and not at all overpowering. I got the idea for this recipe of off a vegetarian steak salad recipe using portabella mushroom caps and changed it up to fit my tastes. The sauteed cherry tomato's and feta cheese really make this salad to die for.

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