I just saw the trailer for by Noel Clark and I'm so excited! I can't wait to see this movie. I LOVED Kidulthood and really liked Adulthood the sequel. The movies are all London, UK based and filmed and aside from being a really gritty and amazing director, Noel Clark is also a really great actor! He always plays a part in his movies and this one is no exception. The new movie is about 4 girls with 3 days running around 2 cities with 1 chance... to either steal some diamonds or return them! It stars a pretty gnarly cast a lot of which have been in Clark's previous movies as well as Emma Roberts who has the best scene in the whole trailer at the end!The trailer reminds me why I love everything from the UK! It reminds me of Skins and Shameless more in dialog and just over all vibe and the storyline and characters remind me of a seriously underrated movie called GO. I hate having to wait for movies lol but this is one movie that's sure to be worth it!