That's so appealing...
Ashley Greene (above) plays Alice in the movie twilight and you may or may not have been troubled by this but when I saw the movie I couldn't help thinking two things, the first being wow you are perfect for this role both in appearance and personality and the second being where have I seen you? I knew I'd recognized her from some other movie and finally it hit me! She was in Boogie Nights!!!!!! Sorry this is the best picture of her from the movie I could find but I'll keep looking, that's definitely her though and she's a much prettier brunette!
Watched Sunshine Cleaning over the weekend and I have to say the movie was heart breaking and disappointing! It had everything, all the elements were there but it just wasn't as brilliant as it could have been. the characters were well developed and I thought both Amy Adams and especially Emily Blunt gave very emotional performances! It was the storyline, it took it somewhere and then left it there. It could have been 10x better. I'll watch it again probably but it'll let me down every time!
I also went to Metamora, Indiana this weekend and had a lovely time! I bought a little wooden grounding bowl and a fairy riding a dragon designed wind chime, I also took loads of pictures I still have to go over and then I'll post my favorites.
I love the song in the trailer for Gamer... recognize the song?
^My all time favorite book, beautifully written with hauntingly complex characters. A must read, the movie adaptation is brilliant which is hardly ever the case, but the movie uses almost the exact same dialogue from the book and the actors in the movie are perfect for every role. ^
This was my favorite book as a tween and is still just as magical every time I read it. The movie made based on the book was horrible beyond words and though I adore Anne Hathaway she butchered the beloved main character Ella!
^Another great book for kids and adults, the movie adaptation wasn't that bad either!^
^I heart Infinite Playlist <3>
^A poetic story about three lost souls all caught up in being something they're not.^
^I love Sheri Reynolds, she is so unique with her storytelling and characters, I've never been much into religious books but Sheri writes about spirituality as a way of life.^
I recommend these two Sheri Reynolds books to everyone they are both amazing and unique.
Running with scissors is sensational and I highly recommend watching the movie after!
Laurie Halse Anderson is a great Young Adult Lit. writer and though she has many great books, this one speaks for itself. For all the Kristen Stewart haters that say she can't act best wise up and do some research starting by watching the movie, which is spot on for the book staring her when she was only 14!
^Really crazy/beautiful storyline that anyone who's ever had a friend will cry and laugh over!^
Beauty Queen is not a happy story but it's one every young girl can learn from...
Tantalize is along the lines of Twilight but with more of an appetite, fast read will keep you guessing! Also Prozac Nation is one of my favorites! Lost pic of that one...
~One of my Favourite songs by the lovely Lily Allen~
On a little side note; how freaking cute are Kelly Osbourne and her fiance Luke?!!
Bellow we have an old photo of Zooey Deschanel, always the stylish vintage shopper, I love the adorable pink ribbon in her hair gives the look a very young girly vibe!
Some really cool art, don't know who the artist is but I'd love to know how this painting came about! Nothing like a little tie dye alien art to inspire an artist! Fo Rizzle