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My Favorite Art Websites It's my go to website when I want to look at quality photography on any subject. Often times I'll stumble upon just one photo of someones artwork and I'll trace it back to the source that opens my world up to more amazing artists. It lets you keep track of the photos you like and follow the people that post best photos. One look at this website and you will understand why I love it. I'm a visual person and on the homepage alone there are so many amazing pieces of art and photography and fashion that you want to click on 10 things at once. This is a website that's a huge source of inspiration to me as it connects me with beautiful things I wouldn't see anywhere else. Trendland is all about fabulous forms of art. The illustrations and photography they feature showcase some of the most beautiful and emotional art I've ever come across. The whole website is focused on interesting forms of art and expression. This is another website I go to when I'm looking for new inspiration and I want to be swept away into someone else's vision of the world. It's a brilliant website. Not to be confused with the link above trendhunter is a website/online magazine where High Fashion meets High Art. This website showcases so many creative artist and photographers it's insane. I've come across many posts that lead me to artists that soon became my favorites because of this website and I can always find something here that I want to share on my They don't post as much as I'd like but they give me great ideas for art projects and they feature some really unique art and artist that I'd never come across anywhere else. I love me some graffiti and this is my favorite website dedicated to street art. So this was a taste of my favorite art websites. These are places where I find most of the pictures and artwork I post on here to share with whom ever stumbles upon it. I don't always link to ever source every time as I like to link the viewer directly to that artists website so that they can get more fans and inspire more people. Yet without these websites myself and a vast amount of other people would never come across half the beautiful images we've seen!
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