This is just hardcore! I love the wings on the back and the heart in the middle but then you have the unique color and design of the wings and a flaming cross plus roses and a green vine side figure 8 that sits almost like a crown around the heart and of course you got a little blood... this is just fucking amazing!

Now this is just hilarious and really well done. I've never come across a snake lady tattoo, pretty awesome.

Amazing. Brilliant. I mean just look at it! That's one wicked tree.

Something really unique about this. A Celtic inspired swan with big bold colored flowers.

I'm not a big fan of the position and width of these wings but what I just love about this is the way the artist swirled the colors of blue and purple. Now that is sexy!

Now I could never get something like this for some reason my mind won't allow it but I can appreciate it's design! I love bat tattoos.

I've been looking for a flowery vine that I want to get along my side and right hip and seeing this black rose vine has given me some great ideas!

I love all of these but this last scorpion tattoo really makes me mad cause I already have a scorpion tattoo but it's not as lovely as this... now I need to think of where I want my second scorpion tattoo!
Find all these designs and a lot more at the link below, different designs here are from different artist so check them all out.
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