So I've been out of it the last few months. Don't really want to elaborate. I've recently gotten into gallery glass which is what the above and below pictures are, they are gallery glass designs I've done, the above picture is an Amy brown fairies and the below picture is like a fairies I have on a t-shirt. It's basically just like painting your own sun catchers pretty much.

I dyed my hair black with a blue/purple hue, It's a really lovely color just maybe not the best for skin cause it makes me look even paler then usual but it's good till I need another change.

I also happen to LOVE mango's, I prefer the frozen kind and for my 21st birthday (which went horribly wrong per usual and was full of unwanted drama entirely unrelated to me) I decided to make a vodka mango smoothie which was so delicious and yummy. Also a look inside my unhealthy freezer :D

One thing that did go well for my birthday was that I got my scorpion tattoo! This is not a very good picture but I don't feel like hooking my camera up to the computer anytime soon but this was taken on the 14Th and now my tattoo is 7 days old! It was my first tattoo but certainly not my last, in fact it was so tolerable I got a second one right away of a small peace bird crying on my left shoulder. Those pictures are even darker and sadly I let it get a little dry one night while I was sleeping and some of it cracked so it needs retouching but no biggie. I've also been in a massive pursuit of the perfect angel wing tattoo. An I found it finally on a wanna be suicide girl website tramp stamped on the back of some girl moonlighting as "Angel" and as soon as I've got the money it'll be my tramp stamp as well. have a look:

Aren't they super freaking awesome! I think so :)
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