A photo I took from under a highway by my old job. I just love graffiti! Below is a piece I did using metal pop tabs and safety pins. My new work still needs to be put up on my deviantart.com page and then I'll have more to show. Going to Metamora Indiana tomorrow for their annual Canal Days celebration. I'm broke and jobless so It's mostly going to be a big tease but hopefully I get some good photos out of it if it's not to crowded. I've also been reading, reading, reading day in and day out this past week. I got a Sookie Stackhouse book box set with the first 7 books and I've been reading non-stop and now they're all finished :( and I'm having some serious cravings to get the last two books but I'll have to wait. Seriously they are awesome, fangtasticly addictive books! I think it's safe to say they are even more addicting than the Twilight Saga books and the Harry Potter series! Yes they are THAT good!
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