The Professional or Leon is one of my favorite movies and has been since before I could even spell professional and coming from someone who's favorite movie as a child was Terminator 2 Judgement day it's really not that weird. Natalie's character in the film seems wise yet wounded beyond her years and It's my second favorite movie of hers, after of course Closer:
Which is the only movie I can tolerate Jude Law in. Clive Owen on the other hand is rancid with perfection in the movie and the story in it's self is one everyone can relate to. But back to Leon... If you haven't seen it you must! If you have then you should watch it again because it's one of those movies that stays with you, not in some profound way but it does have it's moments.
Some really funny art work I found on google depicting the main characters and their beloved milk and plant!
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