Okay I never admit this but... I'm addicted to The Real World on MTV. I know, I KNOW! Good or bad, New York or L.A. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. Sadly though I've never been really attracted to a guy on the show (Okay Dave from Hollywood was kinda hot). They just normally go for the same types of guys season after season but not THIS season! Meet Joey the sexy bartender/bass player/tattoo artist/UFO believer/and all around piece of real world meat! He's the main reason I'll be watch every week opposed to skipping a few weeks and then watching all the episodes in one night. The girls on this season aside from Jonna are so annoying especially Emilee, I hope she goes home over any of the other girls cause she's the most boring and just blah of the group. Anyway my secret is out! An Joey is hot! 
I love it when a guy wares dog tags around his neck!
Paul Dano is like the fugly guy you crush on who always has a super clingy and bitchy girlfriend.

Ha me too! Boy cut shorts rock my socks!
i actually haven't seen the real world in years, but i love when they make fun of it on The Soup. it's hard to believe anyone could be that petty and psychotic! Not that i am judging-i watch Daisy of Love and all those shows so i love my candy television too.